Canyon Creek/Broach Garland/Brueckner Winner: Garland
Brookhaven/Bartlett Dallas Country Club/Sillers Winner: Brookhaven
High Point/Somabut Huffhines/Prather Winner High Point (Big Time!)
Fretz/Albrecht Oak Creek 3/Smith Winner: OC
Highpoint pulled out a tight match vs Garland last week.
That may have been the toughest match of the regular season for them.
But you should not overlook OC and BH, neither them will roll over for HP.
Flight B
High Point/Bazan Fretz/Chen Winner: High Point
T Bar M/Brown Lifetime Fitness/Arcaria Winner: TBar
JCC/Tanguy Eagles Landing/Woolley Winner: JCC
Garland 2/Sisk Brookhaven/Pearlman Winner: Garland
Bazen will try to get the wheels back on this week vs Fretz, Fretz is no push-over but HP should prevail. Garland v Brookhaven should be a pick-um, but I will give the edge to Garland.
Flight C
Greenhill/Kayser Village/Gordon Winner: Grennhill
Eldorado/Hampton LB Houston/Parsons Winner: LB Houston
Garland 1/Sisk Oak Creek 1/Smith Winner: Garland
Springpark/Doyle Royal Oaks/Brauer Winner: Royal Oaks
OC always seems to come up just short of Garland everytime they play, I see a 3-2 Garland victory.
Flight D
Stonebriar/Moomjian Springpark/Femrite Winner: Stonebriar
Oak Creek 2/Smith Lakes Tennis/Foy Winner: Lakes
Huffhines/Ratcliffe High Point/Jameson Winner: Huffhines (Go Grandpa!)
Greenhill/Morrison Stonebridge/Muniz Winner: Greenhill
Epic Fail of the Week
Say it ain't so BMo, is the season over before it even began? Upstart Lakes delivered a mighty blow to the guts of the Greenhill team. Can they Recover? Can the Lakes keep it up, Maybe a let down this week vs a veteran OC team? We will find out.Flight E
High Point/Entrekin JCC/Schachter Winner: JCC
Village/Johnson Samuell Grand/Robberson Winner: Village
Canyon Creek/Ferrell Eldorado/Browning Winner: Canyon Creek
Northwood/Moir Westlake/Davis Winner: Northwoods
Yawn, No Comment, Whatever........
Go Tennis Player Men!