In the First Post of 2012 lets take a look at who are the players in this year's Dallas Tri Level Tournament.
The Baby Tri (3.0, 3.5, 4.0) was last weekend.
"Big" John Sisk squeaked out the win past Mark Ferrell by 2 sets.(I'm not sure where you find a 3.0 player, Apparently, I'm not only one, there were only 4 teams competing.)
We have Two flights,
Red Flight:
Bob Somabut
Bob is rolling out a 7 man team.
3.5 team:Bruce Nehlsen/Ed Brenner - This is the 3.5 team to beat in this flight.
4.0 team: Arman Kumdereli/Bob Somabut - Two talented 4.0 players that got the bump to 4.5 at the end of the year.
4.5 team(s):Takashi Nishizaki/Keith Robinson/Tony Le - This maybe the weak spot in Bob's line up. None of these three have very much history playing together.
Kazuo Yoshida
Small 6 man team, no room for rest or injuries.
3.5 team - Edward Baca/Roger Reifsnyder
4.0 team: Joe Taylor/Vince Kingsley - This former Sumabut tandem should be tough to beat, both are solid dubs players and have a long history of playing together.
4.5 team: Kazuo Yoshida/Tim E. Vassberg
- Yoshida was on the 4.5 team that went to Nats, Vassburg has win and losses ate every level from 4.0 - 5.0. This team is a mixed bag.
Steve Jacobson
3.5 team: Todd Allan Brown/Ernest E. Gatewood probally the weakest 3.5 team on paper.
4.0 team(s): Jim R. Bostick/David P. Adams/Steve M. Jacobson
- Bostick who is a 3.5 player will be weighing down the 4.0 effort.
4.5 team: Thomas M. Slater/Shaun Nix - This team will not be able to out last either of the 2 4.5 teams in this flight
Jacobson: 0 -2
Somabut beats Yoshida 2-1 to go to the finals.
Blue Flight:
John Sisk
We have a full 15 player USTA roster here, what "Big' john is planning to do here is anybody's guess.
3.5 team(s):Ramon Golen, David Leslie ,Ventura E. Delarosa, Jomon Nadukkudiyil,
John D. Hampton
4.0 team(s): Christopher A. Caceres, Jimmy John Wilson, Jerry T. Palacioz, Kevin Kai-Chung Hsu
4.5 team(s):
Vu H. Le, Jason Moore, Hai Nguyen, James W. Ribman, Tim L. Brownlee, Phy D. Pham
It's going to be hard to bet against this nonsense.
Marc Rossouw
If somebody is going to challenge "Big John" it's going to have to be the South African. I don't think they are going to be able to touch Sisk's 4.5 line.
3.5 team(s): Andrew Tucker Fifield, Scott Sykes, Kevin John Ryan
4.0 team(s): Leonard D. Hutchison, Blake Bearden, Matt L. Spellman, Trae Bowman
4.5 team(s):
Chris Ellis, Marc Rossouw, Jeff A. Laselle, Scott Baker
Fred Schlesinger
The JCC Crew getting back together, but do they have the
Hebrew Hammer? probally not.
3.5 team(s): Peter Tanguy, Alan Fishman
, Bruce I. Aranoff
4.0 team(s): Fred E. Shlesinger, Gary Adelman, Steve Schachter, Rowan Hilton Buskin
4.5 team(s):
Stephen Dru Cambron, Tim Williams, Michael Reiman
Brandon Myers
A solid collection of players but no names that strike fear.
3.5 team(s): Rene Alzuro, Damian Michael Thacker, Michael Shields
4.0 team(s): Richard C. Shaw, Tony Weiss, Brad K. Bartlett
4.5 team(s): Jimmy S. Fenn, Brandon Myers, Gene A. Ludwig
Schesinger 0-3
Myers 1-2
Russouw 2-1
Sisk -3-0
"Big" John Sisk
Bob "The Mastermind" Somabut
Line 3.5 - Winner:Sisk
Line 4.0 - Winner: Somabut
Line 4.5 - Winner Sisk
TRI-Level Champ: Big John Sisk